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BOO. Says your very own Personal and Private GHOST Ad writer. Get READ!
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Location: Downtown Cuyahoga Falls
You got stuff to sell? Can't write for beans? Who you going to CALL? ME, GhostWriter Gordy. Don't list your stuff the same old way that everyone else is doing it. Make your ad standout. Get it read. The more people who READ your ads, the more stuff you are going to sell, makes sense, right? You can have a catchy, clever (or not), and very eye catching HEADLINE written in minutes. Put my 25 years of marketing to work for you. With a gazillion people using eBay and craigslist, and thousands of have to make your ads work harder for you. You can. Simply email me and tell me what your project is and I'll put my thinking cap on. OK?
Contact Information
Name: Gordon Alexander
Rate: $50.00 per item
Rate Details: Hey, I'm MR. Chattel, which means I'll barter, trade and work for almost anything. Don't be afraid to make me an offer I can't refuse.
Payment Methods: Paypal, Cash, Other
Promotions: Half Off til Halloween
Other Details: Chatteling is my forte, my trademark, my ways and means. OH, chatteling is the buying and selling of personal and corporate property, I wrote the book on it. Google it. You'll see.
Service Area: Anywhere the Internet Goes.
Years of Service: 20
Service Type: Creative
Market Focus: Premium
eBay, craigslist and web sites
C.M.P. Creative Marketing Professional
Benefits of Service
Save TIME and make more money.
You can be anywhere, GHOSTS don't mind.